Auckland Council is the governing body for Auckland, New Zealand. They provide a range of services, including waste management, parks and recreation, planning and development, civil defence, and community services. Their website offers information on c...
Products and specialities
Wintergarden hours:
1 April - 31 October (Winter): Monday to Sunday (9am - 4.30pm)
1 November - 31 March (Summer): Monday to Saturday (9am - 5.30pm), Sunday (9am - 7.30pm)
In the Auckland Domain lies one of New Zealand's hottest spots to catch Pokemon Go. Yep, they're hidden in and around the Wintergardens and just waiting to be caught. With regular Pokemon Go events planned to bring Auckland locals who love to play the game together, you'll find Poliwag, Venonat, Bellsprout, Pinsir, Paras, Ekans, Scyther, Growlithe and Voltorb.
I can’t wait to celebrate the Lantern Festival here over the weekend. So happy it’s moved to this new venue - which will surely bring more space and allow less people gridlock. Every year I buy my flashing light headband, over eat on street food and take loads of blurry pics on my camera. It’s awesome.