Spotlight is always a good spot to grab any craft items you may need - they generally have the best range. They also have a huge range of fabric - they have some good printed ones, but unfortunately the quality is often not amazing, but it can be ok. We recently brought some curtains from here, and found their range of ready mades to be the best out of the department stores - they often have sales, so I wouldn't ever pay full price for them unless it's an emergency, they are bound to come up at about 30% off within a few weeks. The main downside to this Spotlight is that they don't have enough staff - there is never any body floating around to ask questions, and you always have to wait in line at the counter - so you don't feel like you can drag any body away to help you. It often means it can get a bit messy too, as there isn't any body free to keep on top of tidying.
I can spend hours in this store as there's so much to look at. I've been finding it really great for buying craft items for making things with my kids. You can nearly always find a special for whatever item you're looking for as they have such a range. Their bedding (think duvets) is well worth a browse, just be prepared to come out with way more than you went in with.
Ok, so I'm not much of one for making my own dresses, but Spotlight is still the business. At the back theres tons of craft stuff, great for the littlies. There's a better range of paints and beady things here than in any dedicated childrens shops and we found them to be even cheaper than the Warehouse next door, whilst being much better quality. They are great for dress-ups and Christmas decorations and they have a great selection of homeware - outshining the westie competition. Well worth the trip. Just try not to lose the littlies amongst the aisles... Tons of parking right outside. Score yourself a Spotlight VIP card and save even more.
Spotlight has an awesome range of crafty supplies. A few years ago I used to make my own jewellery (I actually made my bridesmaids jewellery for my wedding) and one of the best places to the the beads and wire was spotlight. I now like to make scrapbooks and do the odd bit of sewing and Spotlight is still the best place to go. They have a great range of fabrics at good prices, as long as you don't mind searching through them all to find your perfect pattern. Once in a while they have small event evenings where they get a guest to come in a show you how to make some crafts, I have yet to go to one of these evenings but they do sound fun.
If you are a crafty person, spotlight is a great place to pick up supplies as they have a good range of items. While this one isn't the biggest, I have been there many a time on my monthly craft day to pick up emergency supplies of glue, material and other necessities!! The staff are helpful if you can't find what you are looking for. It is very worth joining up as a VIP (which is free and only takes a couple of minutes at the most) - They have special VIP card discounts and special offers: I recently got sent a scratchy-card voucher and got $15 off! It's worth looking in the bargain bins too, as sometimes they have some good deals there too.