EB Games is New Zealand's largest national retailer of video games, pop culture, and associated products. Retail


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A gamers heaven... love coming and trading old games to get new games...

The classic and iconic nerdestination is EB Games! A true mainstay of the NZ gaming community and hub of geekery brings you everything you need to keep your finger on the pulse, and your hand on the controller.

Trade and Save Games is a great way to trade in old games to get yourself new games!  

Great selection of new and used games and friendly geeky service.

As a household of gamers we need more and more games to occupy us .  We like to keep rotating our games.  This shop is the biggest in the area and has a great selection of all types.  No atari or floppy disks here.  The latest in cool games and toys to play them with. This should be your one stop shop when looking for games.