Rosies Wildflower Co. is an artisan floral studio located in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. We specialize in providing custom floral installations, bouquets, and arrangements for weddings, events, and special occasions. Our services include florist se...

Products and specialities

Wildflower florists
Event flowers
Wedding flowers
Floral workshops


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Despite being busy arranging beautiful wedding blooms at the moment, Rosie has teamed up with local bakeries Nona’s and Sugar Town to create some gorgeous Valentine’s Day gifts. A bunch of wildflowers and six love-themed cupcakes are available at Sugar Town or you can order your beau flowers and a hand-delivered cake and love note from Nona’s Homemade Cakes.

Gorgeous blooms are one of the best things about spring and Rosie’s floral studio can deliver them to your door or arrange them to brighten the tables at your wedding or special event. The flowers in their wild and whimsical bunches come from local growers and flower markets, as well as their own gardens. Look out for their funky peppermint Morris Traveller at the Little Big Markets.