The recently restored Taranaki Thermal Spa offers a range of public and private pools, a spa and sauna, a therapy studio with professional physiotherapists and a range of beauty treatments.
Whether it's relaxation or rehabilitation you need, you will will leave feeling invigorated and ready to face all of life's challenges.
Try the body deluxe mud treatment or the aix massage (under gently flowing mineral water), get a manicure, pedicure or facial, or spoil that special someone with a double deluxe (a private pool and massage for 2).
There are also concession cards available for regulars.

Products and specialities

Beauty treatments


  • Mon -
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  • HolidaysClosed

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While the spring weather can bring some pretty warm days, the nights are still bone-chillingly cold, what’s better than sinking into a hot pool filled with mineral water. Those of us, me included, wanting to hang on to the winter weather will enjoy this and the 30 minutes it takes will definitely be enough to relax; and at only $16 per person, it’s so affordable to do several times a month! The perfect time is to go a bit later when it’s closer to bedtime, it will put you to sleep in minutes!

Now is the perfect time to have a mineral spa, winter is here and it is freezing; this place is the exact thing you need to warm you up! You could even get a massage for afterwards if you were really feeling the winter blues, it will perk you right up!

Taranaki Thermal Spa is the best and only place around to get an actual thermal spa. You can choose a low, medium or hot temperature, to suit you but there’s really not a lot of difference as it only ranges about one degree. They provide you with ice cold mineral water to drink while you’re in the spa because it can get pretty hot in there. They are also a beauty treatment centre where they provide facials, massages, waxing and relaxation packages. A very nice place to relax and wind down after a long day.

Healing waters can be found at the historic Taranaki Thermal Spa. An artesian mineral well that boasts water that is 29,000 years old! Relax in the soothing waters and let the body heal. Nothing quite like true peace and tranquility.