The General Store is located in the fantastic Aro Valley in Wellington. We sell industrial furniture, handmade, woodwork and vintage & retro items!


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At 81Aro Street, across the road almost from Garage Projects brewing HQ is the General Store. For things slightly off kilter from what you find in your average furniture stores stock, they have a supply of things that always look wonderful for furnishing your home. A must visit, whilst not supplying building material it can help stoke ideas and provide items for décor. Also note the pieces of furniture done by Norwegian Wood, a local crafter inside of Aro that is up to all sorts of tasks if you ask him.

The General Store is anything but general, packed with things you might never have even known you needed-- until now. The General Store, which opened its doors just before Christmas, is a beautiful little treasure trove of found objects, all sourced here in NZ and restored and repurposed for your purchasing delight. I dare you to walk in on a rainy day and not get caught up by the colorful typewriters in various shapes and sizes, loads of natural wood, and Nico's dulcet strains playing on the stereo, just as I did. Shelves made from library pigeon holes and a table fitted out from industrial plan drawers will call to you, but if your tiny flat won't fit a new cabinet, leave with a little parcel of hand rolled beeswax candles instead.