Waterfront Auckland is leading the revitalisation of Auckland's inner city waterfront in order to deliver the true potential this area has to offer. In August 2011, Waterfront Auckland opened new public spaces and restaurants in Wynyard Quarter, along ...
Queens Wharf plays host to some of the best early morning activity in Auckland with free sunrise yoga taking place once a month, rain or shine! From 7am - 8.15am, the wharf comes alive with yogis bending and stretching as the early morning sun rises. One of the most blissful ways to start your day and escape the hustle and bustle of the city!
The paddling pool under the Wind Tree Sculpture is such a great place to bring the kids on a hot summer's day in the city. In fact, keeping them out of it is a challenge (for my pre-schoolers anyway!). Bring togs, sunscreen and a towel - or give them the "full Kiwi" childhood experience: let them swim in their undies on the spur of the moment, sacrifice a layer of clothing to dry them with, and let them travel home commando. For the full Auckland memory, go on a humid summer day and let them enjoy being rained on while swimming. The kids play space is also great, and in summer there's often free activities for kids set up. My boys made kites last weekend!