Sue den Hartog - Manna Midwife

Sue den Hartog helped establish Manna Midwives 7 years ago and brings with her a wealth of experience both as a midwife and as a mother.  Sue and her husband have 5 wonderful children and 2 gorgeous grandchildren.  Sue is one of the Christian Midwives in the practice and also looks after any women needing a midwife regardless of their beliefs.  

Mostly birthing at Waitakere Hospital Sue also has access to Auckland Hospital, North Shore Hospital and Birthcare.   If you are transferred to any of these hospitals Sue will continue to look after you and maintain continuity of care.  Weather your plan is for a natural birth, water birth, epidural, pain relief, Caesarean (elective or emergency) Sue den Hartog will support you for your complete journey through pregnancy, labour, birth and continued aftercare.

Experience and Qualifications
Sue trained as a registered nurse, first working in Cardiothoracic areas at Greenlane in 1976, then as a midwife in 1982 through AUT Auckland.

Expertise and Experience with Breastfeeding
Some woman can find breastfeeding challenging for many different reasons.  Sue enjoys working with women who have previously had problems breastfeeding with brilliant results.

“Giving birth is one of the most special times in a woman’s life. What I most enjoy is walking with women through their journey to being a Mum. I love those moments when a Mum and Dad meet their baby for the first time. Each one is special and a moment to be cherished”

Sue values quality care and only takes 4 or 5 women per month to ensure each mother to be gets the time and care they deserve.  

Call Sue today for a free consultation.


Contact Sue den Hartog:
Mobile: 021 539992
Fax: 834 4779


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