Unity books is where you'll find that hard-to-put-down read! Unlike the chain book stores this independent shop is full to the brim with alternative, interesting literary fiction and coffee table books. The staff at Unity Books are extremely knowledgable and always willing to offer a suggestion. If you're in the search of a unique novel or an elaborate book then Unity Books should be your first stop. A shop sure to inspire you and offer a range of reading material you couldn't have dreamt of!
For all of your book-geek needs head to Unity on High Street. You will love the huge selection and little gems here and will most likely spend hours just flicking through the pages of nice new books. Close to inner city parks so I’d suggest taking your new purchase into nature to get a bit more familiar with each other.
The day I discovered Unity Books was the day an already poor uni student fell deeper into the trap that is self inflicted poverty. I may not have been able to afford the latest trends but when you fall in love none of that superficial stuff matters. I am telling you now, you are going to fall in love with Unity Books. My favourite section and the one I make a B Line for is the aptly named shelf ‘Brain Stuff’, perfect for a knowledge thirsty twenty - something like myself. Just go.