Best Farmer's and Grower's Markets Bay of Plenty in New Zealand

  1. 1
    "Behind the façade is a treasure-trove and eclectic-mix of shops, including the New Zealand Farm Shop delivering fresh, local and nutritious seasonal produce from the farm gate to the plate. Technically not a Farmer’s Market it’s Papamoa’s answer to connecting producer and buyer, knowing where the food comes from and how farmers are growing it. The local place to grab Flavour Bakery breads, Bostock’s organic meat, organic milk and safe pray-free quality nutrient dense vegetables and fruit as well as a delightful range of preserves. Grab a coffee and lunch at the Farm Kitchen adjacent first, eat alfresco at the garden centre then select a fresh option for dinner."

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  2. 2
    "Markets tell us a lot about a place and The Sunday Market serves up local seasonal produce from this great growing region. Lots of locals shop here for their weekly supply. Home-made breads, honey from the region and food stalls will whip up some local kai for you."

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