My top five favourite dinner spots in New Zealand

  1. 1
    "I really love Thai food and this venue is very authentic. The owner Pam is also a wonderful person and takes very good care of her guests."

    Loved by

  2. 2
    "Means Hunter in Spanish. Great menu, I like the fact that it is seasonal and always fresh and delicious!"

    Loved by

  3. 3
    "I went there this weekend and was impressed with the service and the relationship between price and quality. I also like the fact that they show cook so you can always see what is going on in the kitchen."

    Loved by

  4. 4
    "The food is very good here, especially the duck! The portions are huge though so best is to go in a relatively big group to share the dishes, otherwise it is hard to try different dishes."

    Loved by

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