Best spots for out of town visitors in New Zealand

  1. 1
    "Super, style, charm, welcoming. Beautiful people, beautiful food. Great customers of Wah Lees, making magic with our ingredients."

    Loved by

  2. 2
    "What a reward for a great outing. Some of our customers have had their romantic wedding reception held there, and the restaurant has been using Wah lees ingredients to make their guests very happy indeed."

    Loved by

  3. 3
    "A long term customer of Wah Lees. A lovely Local delight. Beautiful food."

    Loved by

  4. 4
    "Love oysters. Great customers and they have built a great reputation."

    Loved by

  5. 5
    "A long term customer. A very central location. A great place to enjoy vegetarian meals."

    Loved by

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